Core Impact

See You on the Steps
In honor of the Centennial, CCT asked four artistic alums to take inspiration from the Core and provide a cartoon in need of your caption — one for each of the four issues this academic year.
This second installment is by editorial cartoonist R.J. Matson CC'85, a former cartoonist for The Columbia Daily Spectator. Enjoy the winning caption for the Winter cartoon, submitted by Tom McNamee CC’99, plus a few of our favorite entries, below!

“French vanilla chia seeds at JJ’s Place! We’re not in Athens anymore, P.”
-Tom McNamee CC’99
Other Favorite Submissions:
“The school at Columbia College—before 1983”
-Richard Lacoss CC'59
“Greek Life at Columbia”
-Sam Arora CC‘03
"I wish they'd fix the washers in Furnald Hall. These bed sheets sure are drafty."
-John W. Lombardo, MD CC'69, P&S'73
“Sadly, it appears our contemporary civilization has eroded and become uncivilized despite our efforts”
-Roberto Tostado MD CC‘85
"So, where is the owl?"
-Bruce J. Cameron, CC'59

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